Monday, October 6, 2008

Just Blogging

These past weeks where I have blogged have been rather different. I don't think I'd ever maintain a blogging site. But there's a first time for everything, right?

Actively participating in online research and blogging didn't even feel like work at all. It was totally against the grain and away from the normal ways of doing "school" that the work didn't even phase me at all. Everything was so new to me that I didn't even pay attention to how much time and effort I put into these posts.

I definitely believe that this project was worthwhile because while we learned about blogging, we actually contributed to the blogging community by keeping up with our own. So it was kind of a trick. :). It was a very good learning tool because we got to understand what blogs really were here for and instead of questioning the purpose of them, I created my own and answered my question. It was a great learning tool.

A lot of my research backed my thesis up. I've maintained the same thesis throughout and that is that blogging has significantly impacted the print journalism industry. I think that one of my posts went against my thesis so I'll rate my research as a FOUR (somewhat supports my thesis).

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